Setting Up a Replica for Backups for PostgreSQL in Docker

4. Backup Script

I've written the following to take a backup - the files are automatically compressed using gzip before they're written to save space and minimise wear on your storage:


# Define backup directory, filenames, and the number of backups to keep
CURRENT_BACKUP_DIR="$BACKUP_DIR/backup_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M)"

# Create a new backup using pg_basebackup
docker exec synapse-db-replica-1 pg_basebackup -h /sockets -U synapse -D $CURRENT_BACKUP_DIR -Fp

# Check if the backup was successful
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "Backup successful! Compressing the backup directory..."
    # Compress the backup directory

    # Check if previous backups exist
    if [ -n "$(ls $BACKUP_DIR/backup_*.tar.gz 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
        PREVIOUS_BACKUPS=($(ls $BACKUP_DIR/backup_*.tar.gz | sort -r))

        # If there are more backups than the specified number, delete the oldest ones
        if [ ${#PREVIOUS_BACKUPS[@]} -gt $NUM_BACKUPS_TO_KEEP ]; then
            for i in $(seq $(($NUM_BACKUPS_TO_KEEP + 1)) ${#PREVIOUS_BACKUPS[@]}); do
                rm -f ${PREVIOUS_BACKUPS[$i-1]}
    echo "Backup failed!"

To configure, simply set the BACKUP_DIR to the location you want your backups to be stored, the NUM_BACKUPS_TO_KEEP to the number of previous backups to store before removal, and update the docker exec line to match your replica's details.

You could also tailor the script to your specific needs, for example, by adding email notifications to let you know when backups are failing for any reason.

Make sure to mark this script as executable so it can be run:

chmod +x /path/to/

We can then configure a cron job (e.g. in /etc/cron.d/postgres) to run it:

30 */4 * * * root /path/to/ 2>&1 | logger -t "postgres-backup"

This would run every 4 hours from 12:30am, however you could set a specific list of hours like this:

30 3,7,11,15,19,23 * * * root /path/to/ 2>&1 | logger -t "postgres-backup"